Saturday, March 5, 2022

Southern Gothic

Although I believe that I technically live in the South, it must not be the authentic Deep South cuz there ain't no damn Spanish moss around here. Yet, less than an hour away by car, it is all over the place. I think that humidity is more important than latitude in determining where Spanish moss thrives. The other day, I was strolling through an area where the live oaks were literally covered with the stuff, and I found it an interesting subject to photograph. On that day, I had both digital and film cameras with me and I feel like I could get good results with both. I tried to match the overall look of the images as well as I could, and I think I could pool the results from both mediums just fine, which is the main thing I care about. Anyway, last night I asked my son if he could pick out the film shot. He could, but it took a beat.

Tasting notes: Canon M6ii, 22 mm f/2 (left); Leicaflex SL2, 35 mm f.2.8, Pan F Plus (right).