Thursday, August 5, 2021

Messages for everyone

The other day, several generations of the family went to Harper’s Ferry, WV for a day trip. Naturally, I brought my camera along, but I really wanted to avoid taking too many of the same hackneyed photographs as everyone else. A few cliches are fine, and perhaps even unavoidable, but I wanted to capture a few more unique images as well. So, I made a point of wandering off on my own along the banks of the Shenandoah River. On my little detour, I came across an enormous rat snake sunning itself on the trunk of an even more enormous tree. I figured that if the snake felt comfortable hanging out in this area, it probably meant that it was not overrun by tourists. So, I started looking for some compositions with the hope that perhaps they have not been photographed exactly like this before. Of course, we’ll never know for sure, but I’m pleased enough with the images I got.