I made this image using my original Leicaflex camera and an old 50mm Summicron. I shot it on a roll of cheap expired film. I don't bother to use the light meter when shooting with this camera, preferring instead to use Sunny 16. Keep it simple, stupid, and trust your experience. I'm lucky to have a nice range of film cameras to chose from when I go out shooting, but even if I had nothing else, the Leicaflex + Summicron combo would be a very fine little set-up for art making.
I recently came across an old documentary about the British landscape photographer Raymond Moore that I think was made in the mid-1980s, near the end of the artist's life (available on YouTube). Moore is a favorite of mine, along with Fay Godwin. Anyway, I noticed that he was working with a Nikkormat, which was an entry level F-mount camera introduced in the mid-1960s (same vintage as my original Leicaflex).
Moore sure made some incredible work with that old Nikkormat! His eye for composition is pretty much unmatched. His work deserves to be more widely known.