Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Wipe Out

There was no ass wiping material available for purchase this morning. Not a single square. The empty shelves reminded of my youthful visits to East Berlin. Of course, I was a spectator back then. At any rate, my wife is currently out of town, so there is only one active crapper in the house. Consequently, the TP burn rate is relatively low, and we should be safe. LOL. Sorry, just trying to do a little back-of-the-envelope personal supply chain arithmetic here. After putting the groceries away, as if by magic, one of my Beloved Devices presented me with an article from the team at The Washington Post about this latest phase of bare shelves in America. Turns out there are four reasons, one of which is Winter. Oy gevalt, as my mother used to say. I hate to get all nostalgic on you, but back in the day (2018) we wiped freely all year round. Good luck out there!

Pro tip: there appears to be plenty of napkins in stock.