Sunday, January 2, 2022

Abstract Expressionism, Foreign Films, and Jazz

Ages ago I read an interview with the author Don Delillo in which he said that his influences were 'abstract expressionism, foreign films, and jazz'. Which was kind of funny to me because, of course, that statement would apply just as well to many from his generation. Still, thinking honestly about your main artistic influences is a worthwhile thing to do, regardless of what story you end up telling your interviewers. This year, we subscribed to a film streaming service and the other night we rewatched the Wim Wenders classic, 'Wings of Desire'. I'm happy to say that the film still resonates with me, but it is kind of disturbing that all of the major actors are now dead. At any rate, it will be interesting to see how I feel about Delillo's classics, a project for later this year perhaps. I hear the film adaptation of 'White Noise' is coming out this year, so stay tuned.

Tasting notes: Canon M6 II, 55-200mm lens.