Sunday, December 13, 2020

Making art to move forward

Yesterday, my head was filled with uncertainty and dread, and I needed Yeats' faery to guide me through the door and past the ominous water. They could have chucked me in, but chose not to, for which I am grateful. Today, however, what lies beyond the portal bothers me less.

The image below was captured on the Rolleiflex SL66 using the 80 mm lens wide open at f/2.8 on Tri-X. Illumination comes from faery lights reflected in a window. They remind me of the summer fireflies and suggest an alternative origin story for Christmas tree lights.

I have to admit, I tend to be pretty skeptical of faeries and angels. They are usually too occupied with their own vain pursuits to pay much attention to us.

This image was captured on a digital camera using the Olympus 75 mm f/1.8 lens, a pretty magical chunk of glass.