Thursday, February 17, 2022

Long Live Ded Tech

To me, one of the defining characteristics of photography is that its practice is so intertwined with technology. Indeed, there is a well-respected history of photography textbook that uses innovations in technology as one of its main organizational principles. I think this relationship has much to do with why many photographers, myself included, collect cameras in some manner, and why we like to play around with old cameras from time to time. For example, today's image was made with about a hundred dollars worth of 'dead' technology. Dead this, dead that, cringe. Anyway, in this case, it is a teenaged Olympus E-500 digicam with a 35mm f/3.5 Olympus 4/3 macro lens mounted. Now, that is a combo you won't see very often on your Instagram feed.

Tasting notes: Olympus E-500, 35mm Macro, Photoshop.