Just like trying to craft a decent paragraph, I've been working on a way of achieving a pleasing contrast between this large leaf magnolia and the trees behind it for some time now. Because they are both green, it has taken me a couple of years, but finally the stars aligned and I have a workable solution in hand that didn't require too much post-processing or the application of special sauce. The two overlapping trees's leaves are changing at just the right rate this season. Another issue I've been grappling with is imitating the look of faded Velvia slide film in my digital files. My reference is an old used book I picked up on eBay. So faded prints of old Velvia. I'm not after high fidelity, it was just a point of departure. Sometimes, wrestling with little problems like these is the only tangible thing you come away with after a full eight hours in the studio. I am kind of okay with that.
Good light this weekend!