Thursday, September 1, 2022
The Man With the Golden Assam
Confession: I don't do golden hour. The experts tell us that's when the light is at it's warmest, complemented with beautiful extended shadows due to the low angle of the rising or setting sun. Fair enough, I'm not here to argue. Candidly, I'm generally enjoying a cup of coffee or tea at that time. You could say I prefer my Golden Assam to golden light. And the thought of getting up at four o'clock in the morning when it is pitch dark outside to drive to a location in time for sunrise, it would have to be very exotic indeed. So, over time I've slowly come to embrace the notion that I am a high noon photographer, a tea sipping cowboy with a camera. By the time we rolled up to this project site, it was almost 11AM and approaching 90 F. Thankfully, the humidity has dropped a bit and the quality of the light was still pretty great. And I got my grid.