Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Never Say Never

Like most photographers, I enjoy the diverse aspects of photographic image making, from clicking the shutter to printing out a 'final' version of the image. And like most, I suspect, there are certain parts of the process I gravitate toward more than others. For me anyway, the worst thing by far is probably scanning film. Ugh. But how would I adapt if my life circumstances changed, even for a short period of time? What if I were confined to the garden? A single room? The bed? What if I were in the horse pistol, as my old man used to say? While I'm not in love with AI art at the moment, I might feel differently if I couldn't physically bring a camera to my eye. Perhaps I could use the AI in lieu of a camera and then proceed from there, necessity being the mother of invention. Fine. But in the meantime, I guess I have even more appreciation for the joys of the classic photographic processes.

Tasting notes: Fake (L), real (R).