Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Preening My Feathers

Over the decades, I have accumulated literally hundreds of pounds of books, and that weight excludes the multiple dozens of cookbooks I have scattered throughout the house (which tend to weigh more and would skew the results!). When I was younger, I tended to keep every single volume I ever bought, both as a personal record of what I had read, or planned to read, and later, as the collection grew ever weightier, as a sort of physical addendum to my CV. A primitive form of virtue signaling I suppose. In the 21st Century, we tend to preen our feathers online, and happily, my collection of aging books has gone back to just being my personal library. Funnily enough, they all fit comfortably in a formerly unused closet in the middle of the house.

Tasting notes: Fujifilm GA645Zi, Fujifilm Acros 100.