Friday, August 11, 2023

Best Camera

By now it is little  more than a tired cliché, but, as the saying goes, 'the best camera is the one you have with you'. The best camera I had with me on this particular day a couple of years ago was an IR converted Canon 5D that I picked up for about $200. One of my pandemic experiments. The only lens I owned for it was a Lensbaby of some sort. So, when I came across this old church, I pulled over and made some photographs with the best camera and lens combo in my possession. They are actually reasonable shots I suppose, but if I'm honest, I've soured some on the blurred out look. And through the process, I learned something else about myself: I ain't in love IR photography either. So, not too long after this shot was made, I sold the camera on. The church was torn down, too, and townhomes erected in its place. So it goes...

It is raining heavily at the moment, buthHere's too good light this weekend, fellow traveler.