Saturday, July 8, 2023

The Great Curve

At the time I made this photograph, I was working for someone else, a thing I did too much of for far too long. Which meant that the plan for the day was to spend a significant number of hours indoors, sitting in a windowless room, listening to a group of assholes wearing tight golf shirts gassing on about some topic or other. While also looking at their overstuffed powerpoint slides. All senses engaged. Luckily my ass was getting kind of sore, and plus, I was not really looking forward to either the curried tilapia or the smothered chicken breast options for lunch. So, I called an audible and went for a long bathroom break and wander. The observation that the two building shadows were intersecting with the curve on the wall at one unique point in the space-time continuum was the most interesting thing that happened to me that day.