Thursday, July 27, 2023

A Rare Thing

Every once in a while I will find a new view of things in my yard, one that for some reason I've not noticed before. Not very often, but it'll happen from time to time. It helped that I was using a slightly longer focal length than I usually do, in this case, a 120mm lens on medium format film. As an aside, the Rollei 120mm f/5.6 S-Planar lens is a real gem that I became aware of by browsing old photobooks from the 1980s. I saw an inspiring photograph by an artist who must have had a pretty high profile at the time, but who doesn't show up in an internet search these days. Alas, that's likely the fate most of us have to look forward to.

Tasting notes: Rolleiflex SL66, Rollei 120mm f/5.6, Ilford FP4+.