Somehow, I feel as though the digicam aesthetic matches pretty well with the art of Jeff Koons, especially now that such cameras are essentially 'antiques', and somewhat back in style again. So, I am happy to report that I used my Olympus XZ-1 (circa 2011) for this quick snap of the 37 foot tall 'Split Rocker' at Glenstone the other day. It was a warm and intensely humid morning, not really ideal conditions for photography, which is why I chose the old Oly instead of something fancier. Plus, it allowed me to leave my phone at home, providing a few hours of respite from my digital overlords... Anyhoo, even eleven years on, the 10 megapixel CCD sensor was capable of producing some very pleasant images. And, with modern editing tools, you can really bring out the best these little digicams have to offer.